Compiling WRF-GC

This section discusses:

  • Configuring WRF compile.

  • Installing the GEOS-Chem species into WRF.

  • Compiling WRF-GC.

  • Compiling WPS.

Configuring WRF compile

Go to the WRF folder.

If you are using WRF version 3:

./configure -hyb

If you are using WRF version 4 or above:


Select the compiler option corresponding to your environment, and select the (dmpar) option. e.g., Intel compiler, icc, ifort, (dmpar). dmpar is required and means distributed-memory parallel, which uses MPI and is used by WRF-GC.

For nesting option, select 1 = basic. Other nesting options are unsupported.

Installing the GEOS-Chem species into WRF


This step is crucial. If this step is not performed, you will have to start this page over and waste hours of your time.

Go to the WRF/chem folder and run make install_registry.

If this step shows an error, make sure you did download WRF-GC into WRF/chem folder. It should look like this:

WRF/chem$ ls
chem_driver.F           Makefile                gc              config
wrfgc_convert_state_mod.F ...


Starting in WRF-GC 3.0, similar to the out-of-box setup of the GEOS-Chem offline chemical transport model, the setup process will request some information about you for use statistic purposes. Even if you are a long-term WRF-GC and/or GEOS-Chem user, we ask that you help answer these questions to help us keep an accurate count of WRF-GC users.

Compiling WRF-GC

Go back to the WRF folder and run:

./compile em_real

Wait patiently. The process may take up to 2 - 4 hours depending on your system. If you encounter errors, note them down. A list of common errors is available at Common errors.

When successful, the output looks like

build started:   Sun Apr 15 12:00:00 CST 2018
build completed: Sun Apr 15 13:00:00 CST 2018
--->                  Executables successfully built                  <---
-rwxrwxr-x 1 hplin hplin 63670720 Apr 15 05:34 main/ndown.exe
-rwxrwxr-x 1 hplin hplin 63753008 Apr 15 05:35 main/real.exe
-rwxrwxr-x 1 hplin hplin 62683008 Apr 15 05:34 main/tc.exe
-rwxrwxr-x 1 hplin hplin 71153896 Apr 15 05:34 main/wrf.exe

Compiling WPS

  1. Go one level up and then into the WPS folder.

  2. Run ./configure.

  3. Run ./compile.

If you encounter errors, note them down. A list of common errors is available at Common errors.

Compiling after code changes

To recompile WRF after changing code, you can just run

./compile em_real

Again in the WRF root directory.

If you have changed the species list (registry.chem), in which case you will have to clean everything and rebuild:

./clean -a
./compile em_real